Friday, 12 September 2008

i was just listening to....

I was just listening to an interview with Terry Pratchett the author of so many fictional books. He is quite stern in his atheistic beliefs, he said i don't believe in the God of the old testament. But as an avid star gazer he said he can't help but wander about the grand order of things. he mentioned looking at planets that can still be seen with certain telescopes in the middle of the day. who keeps them there he asked. if you have ever read any of Terry pratchett books you will realise that he has a weird and wonderful mind of imagination, he is a thinker. but i'm reminded about what Billy Graham said that everyone has God shaped hole in their lives and only God can fill it. As complex as he is i think even Terry was asking these questions. its encouraging to know that only God can fullfill that gap in our lives.

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